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If you had the opportunity to leave everything behind and embark on a long trip around the world, would you do it?

The Sousa family did just that. They packed their bags, took some time off from their professional careers and went on a six-month long trip through the Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean. After getting to know about their adventure through their blog “Viagem Ao Colo” (roughly translated: Lap Trip), I got in contact with them and asked them a few questions about their experience. 

First of all, tell me a little bit about yourselves.

"The idea was an old dream that we had of being able to travel around the world and, recently, a series of circumstances came together that allowed us to do so."

"The biggest challenge is deciding to actually go on the trip."

"My name is Carlos Sousa, I am 40 years old, I work in financial services and I’m from Lisbon and I love sports and travelling. Sílvia Paulino, 38 years old, she is a radiology technician, also from Lisbon and also a travel lover. Vicente, 2 years old, playtime and tantrums professional!"

Through your blog, I got to know a little bit about your adventure, but I would like to know more. How did everything start, and how did this idea came about?

"The idea was an old dream that we had of being able to travel around the world and, recently, a series of circumstances came together that allowed us to do so. Our son Vicente doesn’t have to attend school just yet and we weren’t at our best place, career wise, and combined with the need of spending more time with Vicente, we decided to move forward with this project and enjoy 6 months of family time."

Why the Asian continent in specific?

"It’s not our first time travelling to South Asia. We already knew their food, their way of living and we thought it would be the ideal place to live throughout the main part of our trip. If you are travelling with a child, it’s a great place, there’s good logistic conditions and people are really friendly and welcoming."

You are travelling with your 2 year old son, Vicente. What are the biggest challenges of travelling through so many places with a toddler?

"When we started Vicente was indeed 2 years old! It was one of the things that made us ponder further more on what we could and could not do on this trip. The biggest challenge is deciding to actually go on the trip. Kids adapt easily and they are strong and Vicente didn’t have any issue in doing the same things as us, always with a big will to learn more and travel more."

"One of the main worries was the food. Throughout the whole trip we were always careful and we cooked for him, mostly the foods he was already used to eating. We even took our wand to make soups and we always had a kitchen where we could cook for him. In places where it wasn’t possible to cook for him, we were always able to find alternatives. We also made sure to pack a whole bunch of medication and we could also reach out to our online Pediatrician if needed, which we consulted before the trip."

So far, which places where your favorites to visit?

"Out of the 11 countries we visited, there are 3 that stand out the most in our memories, even though we loved every single one of the others. The Philippines for its biodiversity and the care that they take for their environment, New Zealand for their amazing landscapes and their fascinating locations that we discovered whilst there, and the French Polynesia which is one of the most paradise like places on earth."

For anyone who might be thinking of doing something like you did, would you recommend it? If so, what advices would you give?

"Without a doubt, yes! This was one of those life experiences that we would totally repeat and we advise anyone who desires of doing so, and if they can, of doing it! It was a very carefully thought out decision, that has its risks, but that at the end of the day we really wanted to do and we did it!"

"One of the most important things in our lives is family and, nowadays, with the type of life most of us lead, we don’t dedicate enough quality time to our families and especially our children"

"One of the most important things in our lives is family and, nowadays, with the type of life most of us lead, we don’t dedicate enough quality time to our families and especially our children. This was a decision we made at this point in our lives of paying more attention and care, in a different way, to our son and ourselves. Everyone has their own choices they make in their lives, and this was ours. We are sure it was the right one and that, in the end of our lives, we will look at it as something unique that we all did together."

In a few words, what does “travelling” mean to you?

"Travelling is learning, discovering, living, sharing and being able to enjoy the amazing Planet Earth that we live on."

Words by Alexandra Ribeiro and Carlos Sousa ● All photos by Carlos Sousa

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